Relocation Service
- Welcome at the airport
- Orientation session living in Germany
- Information tour of the new area
- Registration at the municipality
- Residency permit
- Tax card
- Insurance overview
- School system in Bavaria
- Advice and registration
- Registration for Kindergarten
- Application for child benefits
- Information about cars
- Insurance, driving license, leasing, etc.
- Shopping
- Search for suitable accommodation
- Assistance in understanding the lease contract
- House utilities service request
Heating, water, sewer,garbage, electricity, telephone, cable TV, ...
- Hand-over (house/apartment)
- Advice for kitchen planing
- Finding craftsman
- Assistance with move
Ongoing Support
- Follow-up session
- Information about social and
- sports activities
- Reminder of permit renewals
- Assistance in meetings with school officials
- Educational system in Germany
- Job searching
- Information on living in Germany
- Assistance in finding a local physician
- Relocation experience
- Fluent in English and Italian
- Availability through portable phone and Internet
- Pre-arrival information to prepare applicants to German living
- Personal welcome at the airport
- Start-up services (hotel/car ...)
- Help in getting started
Additional Services
- Professional service for foreign visitors
- Registration of employees
- Moving-service in Bavaria
- House closing
- Notice to owner/landlord
- Settlement between owner and tenant
- Assistance at school meetings
- Servicing bank account after leaving country
- PO box and office for companies and individuals
- Trouble shooting